ILA News

Historic ILA 56th Quadrennial Convention Closes With Harold J. Daggett Re-elected To Fourth Term
Historic ILA 56th Quadrennial Convention Closes With Harold J. Daggett Re-elected To Fourth Term As International President; Seven Other ILA

ILA’s Dennis Daggett Declares ILA Stronger and More Unified Than Ever and Challenges USMX To Get Serious About Negotiations
In Galvanizing Convention Address Covering Wide Ranging Topics, ILA’s Dennis Daggett Declares ILA Stronger and More Unified Than Ever and

In Fiery Keynote ILA President Harold Daggett Calls For World-wide Dockworker Unions To Form Global Alliance
In Fiery Keynote Address At Opening Session of International’s 56th Quadrennial Convention ILA President Harold Daggett Calls For World-wide Dockworker Unions To

ILA President Harold J. Daggett Set To Open Union’s 56th Quadrennial Convention Monday
ILA President Harold J. Daggett Set To Open Union’s 56th Quadrennial Convention Monday; Over A Thousand Delegates and Guest Ready

ILA Atlantic Coast District 37th Quadrennial Convention Kicks Off On Tuesday, July 18th
ILA Atlantic Coast District 37th Quadrennial Convention Kicks Off On Tuesday, July 18th at Diplomat Hotel; Hundreds of ILA Convention

Statement by Harold J. Daggett on the Deaths of Two City of Newark Firefighters Killed Battling Blaze Aboard Cargo Ship
Statement by Harold J. Daggett, President, International Longshoremen’s Association, On the Deaths of Two City of Newark Firefighters Killed Battling

ILA President Harold Daggett Pledges Full Support and Praises Canadian Dockers For Taking Job Action to Fight Automation
As ILWU Canadian President Rob Ashton Announces Dockworkers Strike Beginning Saturday, July 1st, ILA President Harold Daggett Pledges Full Support

Registration Now Available On-line for Atlantic Coast District Convention and International Convention
Registration Now Available On-line for Atlantic Coast District Convention and International Convention Scheduled For July at Diplomat Beach Resort Hotel

Twelve-Year-Old Child of Brooklyn ILA Member In Critical Need Of Bone Marrow Donor!
NORTH BERGEN, NJ (April 27, 2023) A 12-year-old boy, whose father is a longshoreman at Red Hook Terminal in Brooklyn

Workers Memorial Day Events Announced At Ports in Miami and New York-New Jersey
NORTH BERGEN, NJ – (April 22, 2023) On Friday, April 28, 2023, the International Longshoremen’s Association will join the world-wide

Statement From President Harold Daggett on SCOTUS Decision Allowing NJ To Withdraw From Waterfront Commission
A Statement From President Harold Daggett, International Longshore Association, on Supreme Court Decision Allowing New Jersey To Withdraw From Waterfront

Miami ILA Local 1416 President Torin Ragin is Surrounded by the Officers and Trustees of his Fellow Miami ILA Local 1922
Miami ILA Local 1416 President Torin Ragin is Surrounded by the Officers and Trustees of his Fellow Miami ILA Local

John D. Baker, Jr., Re-elected President of ILA’s Great Lakes District Council; Ray Sierra, Michael Baker, & John D. Baker, Sr., Returned to Office Along With Six Vice Presidents
John D. Baker, Jr., Re-elected President of ILA’s Great Lakes District Council; Ray Sierra, Michael Baker, and John D. Baker,

Eight-Year Organizing Campaign Culminates With Grand Bahama Dock & Allied Workers Union Receiving Charter from ILA
Eight-Year Organizing Campaign Culminates With Grand Bahama Dock and Allied Workers Union Receiving Charter from International Longshoremen’s Association NORTH BERGEN,

ILA President Joins Inauguration Celebration As Local 1526, ILA Officers Take Oath of Office & Look To Put Hardships of Pandemic Behind
ILA President Harold J. Daggett Joins Inauguration Celebration in Fort Lauderdale As Local 1526, ILA Officers Take Oath of Office

Tyre Nichols Death Represents Our Nation Is Failing To Meet Civil Rights Challenges; ILA Civil Rights Chair Promises Longshore Union Will Lead Fight for Equality and Justice
Tyre Nichols Death Represents Painful Fact Our Nation Is Failing To Meet Civil Rights Challenges; ILA Civil Rights Chair Herbie

Newark, New Jersey ILA Local 1233 Looks To Future With Optimism As ILA Executive Vice President Dennis A. Daggett Installs Newly Elected Officers
Newark, New Jersey ILA Local 1233 Looks To Future With Optimism As ILA Executive Vice President Dennis A. Daggett Installs

In New Year’s Greeting To ILA President, IDC Pledges Full Support to ILA In Future Master Contract Negotiations With USMX
In New Year’s Greeting To ILA President Harold Daggett, International Dockworkers Council (IDC) Pledges Full Support to ILA In Future