ILA News

ILA President Harold Daggett Congratulates Somali Dockers Union (SPTU) On Joining International Dockers Council
Pledges Solidarity With African Nation’s Dockers NORTH BERGEN, NJ (December 10, 2020) – More than 100 Somali Dockers are set

As Nation Suffers Through Spike in COVID Cases, ILA Workers Continue To Demonstrate Bravery and Commitment To Keeping Cargo Moving In and Out of Ports
ILA President Harold Daggett Urges Members to Redouble Efforts to Enforce Safety Protocols and Wear Protective Masks NORTH BERGEN, NJ.

ILA International Vice President Willie Seymour is joined by team of ILA members at Georgia Ports Willie J. Seymore,

FMC Commissioners Bentzel and Maffei Urge MARAD and CDC to Prioritize Maritime Workforce
Please view this important letter from Commissioner Carl W. Bentzel and Commissioner Daniel B. Maffei urging MARAD and CDC to

TTD President Willis Was A Strong Ally of International Longshoremen’s Association and Addressed ACD Convention in 2019 WASHINGTON, D.C. —

President-Elect Joe Biden Shared His Long Association and Respect for ILA at 2011 Washington Meeting with ILA President Harold Daggett
NORTH BERGEN, NJ – (November 9, 2020) In late summer 2011, then U.S. Vice President Joe Biden hosted a small

ILA President Harold Daggett and Union Applaud ILWU President Willie Adams On His Selection As “15 Black Union Leaders Making Their Marks on the Labor Movement”
NORTH BERGEN, NJ (October 22, 2020) – President Daggett tells ILWU leader: “Your remarkable career in our beloved longshoring industry

Legendary ILA Leader Andrew Lee Laws Passes away at 93, Compiling Historic 70-Plus Year Career With International Longshoremen’s Association
NORTH BERGEN, NJ – (October 7, 2020) Andrew Lee Laws, Sr. , who started his career as a longshoreman and

ILA Pledges Support With Maritime Union of Australia In Its Fight Against Automation and Projected Job Losses at Port of Fremantle
ILA President Harold J. Daggett Says North American Longshore Workers Stand “Side-By-Side With Australian Dockers Click here to download the

Thousands of ILA Members Benefit From Amendment To ILA-USMX Master Contract To Protect Their Health Care Coverage
NORTH BERGEN, NJ. (October 2, 2020) Thousands of ILA members benefit from the amendment to the ILA-USMX Master Contract announced yesterday

ILA and USMX Revise Eligibility Requirements for MILA Coverage In Response To Loss of Work During COVID-19 Pandemic; ILA Employees Covered Will Not Experience Loss of Coverage
NORTH BERGEN, NJ (October 1, 2020) – ILA Employees covered under MILA and entering the third year of the current

ILA Mourns the Passing of United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
NORTH BERGEN, NJ (September 19, 2020) — The International Longshoremen’s Association mourns the passing of United States Supreme Court Associate

ILA Takes a Moment to Honor Labor Day
On this Labor Day, we take a moment to salute all of our ILA brothers and sisters, working day and

ILA To Salute Its Brave Membership With Aerial Tribute Flying Over Beaches Throughout Labor Day Weekend
NORTH BERGEN, NJ – (September 3, 2020) The Governor of New Jersey, Phil Murphy, called ILA workers “American Heroes” several

Robert E. Gleason, Who Served as International ILA Secretary-Treasurer for More than Two Decades, Passes Away at Age 82
NORTH BERGEN, NJ (September 3, 2020) Robert E. Gleason, well known and respected ILA officer, who served as Secretary-Treasurer of

Daily News op-ed piece written by Mike Izzo, President ILA Local 920, Staten Island
An energy project NYC must say yes to by MIKE IZZO NEW YORK CITY, NY (August 28, 2020) New York

Boston ILA “Rocks The Vote” for Massachusetts Senate candidate Joseph Kennedy
“Dropkick Murphys”, Boston’s famed Punk/Celtic Band Joins ILA Members For “Get Out The Vote” Outdoor Concert In historic top photo,

International Longshoremen’s Association’s Raul Vasquez, Jr., Secretary-Treasurer, ILA Local 1814, Brooklyn and longtime ILA Member, Passes Away on Thursday, July 23 ,2020
NORTH BERGEN, NJ – The International Longshoremen’s Association mourns the passing on Thursday, July 23, 2020 of Raul Vasquez, Jr.,