ILA News

Read Harold Daggett’s letter to AFL-CIO President
Download and read the full Harold Daggett Letter.
ILA, AFL-CIO Preparing for 54th Quadrennial Convention in Puerto Rico
International Longshoremen’s Association Preparing For 54th Quadrennial Convention July 20-23, 2015; Hundreds of ILA Delegates To Convene At Caribe Hilton
ACD, ILA, AFL-CIO to Hold 35th Quadrennial Convention July 14-16, 2015 in Puerto Rico
Atlantic Coast District, International Longshoremen’s Association To Hold Its 35th Quadrennial Convention July 14-16, 2015 in San Juan, Puerto Rico

Teddy Gleason Scholarship Winners Selected for 2015; Eight Students Will Receive $48,000 in Educational Grants
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, June 24, 2015 NEW YORK — The International Longshoremen’s Association and New York Shipping Association, Inc.

ILA Member’s Son and Aunt Among Nine Victims of Church Shooting; ILA Leaders Respond
ILA Member’s Son and Aunt Among Nine Victims of Charleston, South Carolina Church Shooting; ILA Leaders Respond To Senseless Tragedy

PORTS Bill is an Overreach, Would Undermine Collective Bargaining Rights
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 5, 2015 CONTACT: Jonna Huseman [email protected] 202-679-0187 Washington, DC—Edward Wytkind, president of the Transportation Trades Department,
ILA Has Close Connections to Walter Scott, Man Murdered In South Carolina By Policeman
Victim’s brother Rodney Scott is Member of Charleston ILA Local 1422 North Bergen, NJ – (April 9, 2015) The nation

AFL-CIO Announces Raising Wages Summits in Presidential Primary States Expanded Campaign in Seven Cities
(Washington, D.C., Jan. 7, 2015)—The first National Summit on Raising Wages definitively set the tone for political and economic action

Harris County Reappoints Fitzgerald, Confirms Kennedy; Pasadena Reappoints Mease
Harris County Commissioners Court Reappoints Clyde Fitzgerald and Confirms Term of John D. Kennedy, City of Pasadena Reappoints Roy Mease

Holiday Cheer Community Dinner in Newark, New Jersey
If you were looking for some holiday cheer, you could find plenty at the Atlantic Coast District-ILA Civil Rights Committee

ILA’s Daggett: “No change in bargaining”
Joseph Bonney, Senior Editor International Longshoremen’s Association President Harold Daggett said the ILA won’t change its contract bargaining process, except

Sharing and Caring on Thanksgiving
Kudos to ILA’s Atlantic Coast District Civil Rights Committee, led by chairman W. Bernard Dudley, President of ILA Local 1233,
New York Maritime Union Votes In Favor Of Joining Larger, International Organization
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — The Staten Island-based maritime union, Local 333, has voted overwhelmingly in favor of joining the International
ACD and Local 1804-1’s John Daggett Named Top Labor Leader By Irish Echo Newspaper
Mairead Tully of the Irish Echo Newspaper presents John Daggett, Atlantic Coast District Vice President and an officer with ILA
ILA salutes Stephen Cotton of ITF at 2014 AOTOS Award Dinner
Stephen Cotton, General Secretary of the International Transport Workers’ Federation was awarded the 2014 Admiral of the Ocean Sea trophy

Overwhelming Approval in ILA Master Contract Ratification Vote
88% Said “Yes” and Every ILA Local Approved ILA Six-Year Agreem NORTH BERGEN, NJ – Final votes are still being

ILA Members Overwhelming Ratify New Six-Year Master Contract
NORTH BERGEN, NJ – A new six-year Master Contract, covering some 14,500 waterfront workers belonging to the International Longshoremen’s Association