ILA News

Thomas W. Gleason, Jr., ILA’s General Counsel For Decades, Passes Away At 94
Thomas W. Gleason, Jr., oldest son of legendary ILA President Teddy Gleason, and an acclaimed labor attorney in his own

Message from Harold J. Daggett, President, International Longshoremen’s Association, AFL-CIO on 2018 Elections
NORTH BERGEN, NJ – (November 7, 2018) Americans voted in record numbers in yesterday’s 2018 mid-term elections where ILA members

Georgia Democratic Candidate Stacey Abrams Will Visit ILA Local 1414 Headquarters in Savannah on Monday Morning, November 5th
Stacy Abrams, Democratic Gubernatorial candidate in Georgia, will spend her final day of her historic campaign to become the first

Harold Daggett From the 2018 ILA Civil, Human, and Women’s Rights Dinner
My Sister and Brother members of the International Longshoremen’s Association; our ILA Civil Rights Chairman Jerry Owens; members of the

ILA President Harold Daggett Announces Union’s Endorsement of Gubernatorial Candidates Stacey Abrams of Georgia and Andrew Gillum of Florida
NORTH BERGEN, NJ (October 29, 2018) – Harold J. Daggett, president of the International Longshoremen’s Association used the occasion of
ILA To Boycott ITF Congress In Singapore After It Learns World-Wide Labor Organization Agrees To Enter Pact That Endorses Port Automation
NORTH BERGEN, NJ – (October 8, 2018) The International Longshoremen’s Association is boycotting the 44th Congress of the International Transport Workers’ Federation

ILA and USMX Officially Sign Six-Year Contract Agreement That Brings Labor Peace To Industry Until September 30, 2024
NORTH BERGEN, NJ – (September 26, 2018) The two leaders of the International Longshoremen’s Association and United States Maritime Alliance,

Harold Daggett and ILA in support of Portuguese Dockers
September 20, 2018 To Our Sister and Brother Portuguese Dockworkers: The International Longshoremen’s Association stands with our Sister and Brother

International Longshoremen’s Association Endorses U.S. Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey For Reelection
NORTH BERGEN, NJ – (September 8, 2018) The International Longshoremen’s Association endorses Robert Menendez for reelection to the U.S. Senate from
ILA Calls for Ratification Vote
ILA President Harold Daggett today notified ILA locals covered by the Master Contract that a ratification vote on the proposed
Concerns Mount Over Ongoing Union Dispute at Toledo Port
The Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority has no power to intervene in a labor dispute between the stevedore company that operates
Union Dispute Leaves Some Freighters Stuck at Port
A long-simmering labor dispute between a local longshoremen’s union and a Port of Toledo stevedore has led to three ocean
2 of 3 Delayed Ships Leave Toledo Cargo Dock
Two of three ships delayed at the Port of Toledo by a labor dispute left the dock Wednesday after the
Pilots Steer Debate on Lakes
When the Malta-flagged bulk freighter Belasitza ventured up the Maumee River last month to load grain at one of The

Fund Established to Aid Family of Cody Carter, Father of Nine and ILA Local 28 Member Who Was Killed Last Week In Tragic Accident While Working As a Longshoreman
NORTH BERGEN, NJ (August 21, 2018) Jack Pennington, the president of ILA Local 28 in Houston, Texas lost his nephew,
ILA Locals Throughout Canada Launch ILA Canadian Joint Council and Hold Inaugural Meetings in St. John’s, Newfoundland With ILA and ACD Executive Officers
ST. JOHN’S, NEWFOUNDLAND, (CANADA) – (August 8, 2018) Canadian ILA members join with International and Atlantic Coast District officers at
International Vice President Charles Montgomery From Port of Houston Says U.S. Tariffs on Steel Failed in 2002 and Will Again in 2018 Cripple American Economy and Cost ILA Jobs
NORTH BERGEN, NJ – (August 1, 2018) International Vice President Charles Montgomery from the Port of Houston knows first-hand that
ILA Man-Hours Threatened as Trade Wars Over Tariffs Takes Effect
At the recent ILA’s South Atlantic and Gulf Coast District Convention in Florida, delegates heard from John D. Foster, Chairman