Above: ILA General Organizer John D. Baker (at right); Ingo Esders, (2nd from right) and Lisa Daggett Bess (third from left) surround Phil Murphy at AFL-CIO Executive Council Meeting in Washington this week. Charles Wowkanech, New Jersey AFL-CIO President (at left) is also pictured along with Tammy Murphy.

NORTH BERGEN, NJ – (July 30, 2017) The International Longshoremen’s Association is committed to see Phil Murphy elected as New Jersey’s next Governor and ILA officials were with the candidate twice this past week to reaffirm its support.
On Wednesday, Atlantic Coast District President Michael Vigneron joined Phil Murphy in Newark where the Democratic candidate announced that Sheila Oliver, New Jersey’s first African-American woman Assembly Speaker, will join Murphy as his running mate and candidate for Lieutenant Governor.
Also this week, General Organizer John D. Baker and ILA Legislative team Ingo Esders and Lisa Bess, joined with New Jersey AFL-CIO President Charles Wowkaneck in Washington. The ILA contingent joined Phil Murphy and his wife, Tammy, to meet with Richard Trumka, President and the Executive Council of the AFL-CIO.
ILA President Harold Daggett, Executive Vice President Dennis Daggett and Secretary-Treasurer Steve Knott have already met with Phil Murphy numerous times since last year.
The ILA is excited that Phil Murphy, a pro-ILA and pro-worker candidate, is running to replace current New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and named Sheila Oliver to his ticket. Sheila is a leader in the battle for a higher minimum wage, equal pay and making the wealthy and corporations pay their fair share of taxes. Ms. Oliver has blazed new paths and fought for justice and fairness for every New Jersey family.
Candidates Phil Murphy and Sheila Oliver have pledged to support the ILA and let the union and member companies of New York Shipping Association operate in the Port of New York and New Jersey without unnecessary and unwanted Government interference.