Season of Sharing and Caring: Hats Off to Brandon Garcia, President, ILA Local 1235, Officers and Members for Sharing Gifts with Neighborhood Children

SEASON OF SHARING AND CARING: Hats off to Brandon Garcia, President, ILA Local 1235, Newark, and his officers and members for sharing over 300 gifts of the season with Children from the Newark neighborhood.

As President Brandon Garcia said this week:

“We dropped off the gifts for Christmas that we as a membership donated to children in need. This is our second year organizing the give back and we surpassed donating to over 300 children. This is not possible without the participation and dedication of the amazing membership of Local 1235. There is no other membership that I’d rather serve and this is my thank you to you all. You’ve all came together and have exceeded my or anyone’s expectations to give back.

Merry Christmas from my family and to all of yours!”

— Brandon

Well said, President Garcia. We are grateful to you and your membership at ILA Local 1235.

Newark Gifting 2021

Gifts from Newark

Newark Gifts 2021