ILA President Seeks Emergency Meetings with Congress; ILA Leader Urges Not To Engage In Any Job Action

NORTH BERGEN, NJ – (Monday, February 27, 2017) Harold Daggett, President of the International Longshoremen’s Association announced today that the ILA will seek immediate emergency meetings with Members of Congress to address the growing concerns of ILA longshore workers that their livelihoods are being threatened by increased government interference.

ILA members announced last week that their frustration over South Carolina Ports Authority robbing their members of ILA jobs at the Port of Charleston, South Carolina and the Waterfront Commission of New York Harbor interfering with the ILA’s Collective Bargaining Agreements had reached a boiling point. ILA members were considering a massive March on Washington to demand action by lawmakers.

“We hear your anger, we hear your frustration and we intend to address it,” said ILA President Daggett. “With a delegation of ILA leaders, I will be heading to Washington to seek help for our industry from Congress.”

“I strongly urge all ILA members not to engage in any work stoppage or any other violations of our current Master Contract,” continued President Daggett. “Let the leadership of the ILA meet with Congress in Washington. I am confident Congress will understand the urgency of our issues and help us resolve any and all problems.”

For additional information, contact Jim McNamara, ILA at 917-853-0440 or