ILA Local 1804-1 Members Reelect All Six Executive Officers to New Three-Year Terms; Six Local Trustees Also Chosen At Union Meeting On Thursday in New Jersey
Dennis A. Daggett was unanimously reelected President of Local 1804-1 at the local’s March meeting, held Thursday evening, March 20th, at the Teaneck Marriott at Glenpointe Hotel in Teaneck, New Jersey. Five other Local Executive Officers were also unanimously reelected, including Harold J. Daggett, President Emeritus; John J. Daggett, Vice President; Michael J. Vigneron, Secretary-Treasurer; Peter P. Clark, Recording Secretary & Business Agent; and William J. Hartigan, Sergeant-at-Arms & Business Agent.
Hundreds of ILA Local 1804-1 members attended the March meeting and also voted for ILA Local 1804-1 Trustees Andy Pace, Josh Hertzberg, Jon Saitta, Richard Kier, Bobby Rispoli and Tim Lindsay.