This education link has been set up to keep all ILA members informed of what’s taking place in our industry; past and present. This site will include articles, stories, photographs and videos. At times, some of the videos will include training and be educational. Other times, we will take a look into our past and learn more and more about the history of this union and how it was built into what it is today.

ILA Education/History
Never forget the sacrifices ILA members made to build our great union into what it is today
The Importance of Paying Union Dues: A 53-Year Reality Check
In 1972, the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) last received an increase in dues from its members. That was 53 years ago—longer than I have been alive. And yet, in that time, the ILA has fought and delivered on some of the most crucial victories in modern labor history.
In recent times, we have had success in cases such as:
• The Waterfront Commission Case, where we protected our autonomy and fought back against overreach.
• The Hugh Leatherman Terminal Case, where we successfully defended the ILA’s jurisdiction and protected our work preservation agreements.
• Coastwide Master Bargaining, where we secured an historic 62% wage increase, removed the cap on Container Royalty, arguably the best healthcare in the country, a nationwide defined contribution for retirement, and jurisdiction and automation protections that will not only safeguard us but future generations of ILA members.
These victories were not won against small businesses or weak opposition. We are negotiating with and standing up to some of the richest and most powerful companies in the world. These corporations have billions at their disposal, the best lawyers money can buy, and an agenda that prioritizes profit over people.
Each of these battles was fought with resources, and resources require funding. The old saying holds true: money is power—and in the labor movement, it’s the power to negotiate, litigate, and organize.
The Cost of Fighting for Workers
Unions, and the ILA in particular, do not just exist to collect dues. We are here to deliver for our members, to fight for their rights, and to protect their livelihoods.
But lately, we’ve seen a disturbing trend in a small percentage of people in certain ports and locals.
There are workers who are happy to take the benefits our union has won for them—the wages, healthcare, pensions, and job protections—but refuse to pay their fair share in dues.
That ideology is completely foreign to me. I grew up around true trade unionists—men and women who would give their lives for this union. To think that someone would gladly take all the union has to offer but refuse to contribute 2% in dues is not only insulting—it’s dangerous.
And let’s be clear: this is not an outcry against the majority of our members. 95% plus of the workforce supports their union. But the fact that even a small fraction of our ranks would choose to weaken us from within is heartbreaking.
What Drives This Anti-Union Mentality?
It’s hard to understand what motivates some to refuse to support their union. Greed? Rebellion? Personal vendettas? Maybe they disagree with a local work rule that may or may not affect them. Maybe they have a personal issue with an official. But whatever the reason, choosing to undermine the union that fights for you every day is short-sighted at best and anti-union at worst.
We just showed the world what the ILA is capable of when we stand shoulder to shoulder. And now, there are those who, instead of celebrating that victory, choose to go against the grain, not because they have a real issue with the union, but because they want to make a statement—at the cost of the very organization that fights for them.
The Legal and Moral Obligation to Pay Dues
Some may attempt to justify not paying dues by citing the Janus v. AFSCME case (2018). Even though I do not personally support the Janus decision, I am simply using it here as an example or comparison. That Supreme Court ruling applied strictly to public-sector unions, where the Court ruled that public employees cannot be required to pay union fees as a condition of employment, arguing that it violates First Amendment rights.
But let’s be honest—Mark Janus was just another person trying to destroy the union from within, probably looking to make a name for himself. Like so many others before him, he was used as a pawn by anti-union forces to weaken organized labor under the guise of “freedom of choice.” But there was nothing free about it—his case was funded by corporate-backed interest groups whose sole mission is to weaken unions, strip workers of their rights, and increase corporate profits at workers’ expense.
This has no application in private-sector unions like the ILA.
ILA members are part of an organization that has fought for industry-leading wages, benefits, and job security, and the ability to maintain and grow that strength depends on every member contributing their fair share.
“Right to Work” Laws: A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
The term “Right to Work” sounds like a positive thing—after all, who wouldn’t support the right to work? But make no mistake, these laws were carefully crafted by anti-union legislators and their corporate sponsors to cripple unions from within. The strategy was simple:
1. Starve the union of resources.
2. Weaken its bargaining power.
3. Make it harder to fight back against corporate overreach.
4. Ultimately, destroy the union from within.
It’s a corporate-backed attack on workers, wrapped in a misleading slogan that disguises its true intent: to make it harder for unions to protect their members.
And in non-Right to Work states, the same weapon exists under a different name—the Beck Rule. This rule allows workers in unionized workplaces to opt out of paying full dues, arguing that they shouldn’t have to contribute to political activities. But in reality, it’s just another union-busting tactic, forcing unions to spend time and money calculating reduced fees instead of fighting for workers.
Let’s be honest: there is no business in America that would allow you to take their services for free.
• You cannot live in a neighborhood and refuse to pay your HOA fees while still expecting your community to maintain the roads, pools, and parks.
• You cannot tell the IRS, “I still want roads, police, and fire services, but I’m not paying my taxes.”
• You cannot walk into a gym, use their equipment, and say, “I don’t believe in membership fees.”
So why should anyone think they can be part of a union, enjoy union wages, union benefits, and union protection—without contributing to the union?
Moving Forward: A Call to Strengthen Our Union
We should still be riding high after securing one of the greatest contracts in the history of organized labor. Instead, we have some in the workforce trying to bring us down from within.
Some might say, “Nothing is perfect.”
To them, I say: “We won’t stop fighting until it is.”
But we cannot win that fight alone. A union is only as strong as the solidarity and commitment of its members. The ILA has fought too hard for too long to be undermined by those who refuse to stand with the organization that fights for them.
We are standing up to some of the wealthiest and most powerful corporations in the world—companies that would love nothing more than to see us divided and weakened.
The answer is simple: It will take all of us to win this fight, not some of us.
We must be more united than ever to fight back against the powers that be, both visible and concealed.
Support your Union and remember: if we are together, it’s impossible to fail!!
Submitted by:
Dennis A. Daggett
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20 CommentsComment on Facebook
After seeing how strong and fearless our International fought for this union during this historic contract negotiation, signing off on the 2% International dues was the easiest decision of my life. Our International achieved the best job security against automation, one of the biggest threats to our industry, record breaking wage increases, top tier medical benefits for us and our families, and so much more. This International took the fight all the way to the Supreme Court for ILA jurisdiction at the Leatherman Terminal in South Carolina, stood strong against Ørsted on the windmill projects in New London CT, and won battles that wouldn’t have been possible without strong leadership and the funding necessary to fight. This small dues increase is an absolute necessity to keep our union strong. When we are together, it is impossible to fail ⚓️💪🏼
Dlúthpháirtíocht ó Thalamh an Éisc‼️✊🏻☘️⚓️‼️ WE BLEED LSPU ILA 💙🩵💙💧⚓️BLUE‼️
Well said Dennis! It’s a shame that there are people in this union that would not sign up for 2% dues to the international. If we didn’t have the protections from the ILA the corporate greet would cut the workforce in half if not more! Thank you for all you do for us!
Pay your Dues!! You pay that Netflix monthly and the increase that come with it.
I’m disgusted that there are people that don’t won’t to pay 2 percent especially after what contract you just got??!! I have an idea, if you don’t like it, McDonalds is hiring!!
Well said. It’s hard to believe after all we gained in this contract that there are people who are not willing to pay. Pretty sad.
Well said, it's appalling that the Beckman and Janus acts are even legal pertaining to Unions. If a Union negotiates a benefit any member should pay their fair share but the membership does have some parasites in it especially the South. Thank you to the leadership of the ILA for a great contract and for the membership that knows what being a Union member is all about. Now to the parasites that live off the benefits of people that believe in the way a Union works please leave.
ILA healthcare benefits are above and beyond any healthcare benefits offered elsewhere!!! The very best!!! At a fraction of the cost. Try to find equitable healthcare outside of ILA, you won’t!! Thank you ILA Leadership!
Glad to pay the increase in dues. Everyone worked hard and deserves a pay raise. You earned it We all need to remain strong and united.
Well said Brother. I think personally everyone who makes there hours and gains seniority in our Union joins and becomes a member. If not you don’t get a job nor the representation that a Union Member that has joined gets. A Non Union member should not get a job before A Union Member. Now like I said this is my personal opinion
The Importance of Paying Union Dues shows not only solidarity but how proud and grateful we are of our leadership KFG
Well delivered and much needed message!
Very well said. Thank you!! 💪🏾💪🏾
Very well said Dennis! In my book anyone that refuses to pay their dues is a Scab that leeches off the backs of strong Union Members! I say pay your dues or move on!! Our Union fights like hell for everything we have and it takes multiple resources and unity to do so!
Keep up the great work Dennis🙌
The ILA & my Local 1235 will always have my support. 💪🏽 Extremely grateful for all that our leaders do. God bless 🙏🏽
Well said Boss!!! I’m so proud of you and Pop! Thank You !!!!
Amen 🙏🏽 👍🏾💪🏾💯
So let me get this straight—the union secures us 62.5%, and you're losing your mind because it drops to 61.5%? What's the logic here? Are we protesting decimals now? ILA All The Way!! And I’ll sign that shit again!
Well said Boss!!! I’m so proud of you and Pop! Thank You !!!! for everything you do for the , ILA. ✊💪
Port of NY/NJ
ILA International Vice President and Local 1588 President Virgil Maldonado and ILA Local 1588 Shop Steward Ray Colli are among the first to jump in the seat while running the very first stress test on the new cranes at Port Liberty in Bayonne, NJ.
In the photograph, Maldonado is an amazing 180 feet from the dock operating the crane.
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26 CommentsComment on Facebook
Awesome !
Congratulations 👏🎉
Hell yea! Congrats! 🏗️
Congratulations Virgilio!
Let’s make ports great again !!
Woohoo! Let's goooo!!! Get those bad boys to work! 2 of the best dudes from 1588 & Port Liberty. Virgilio & Romolo Raymond Colli . Much love brothers!!
Congratulations look good up there 2 great guys
Romolo Raymond one of the best persons that I knew on my years on Global and Virgilio was a very good crane operator and always took good care of the lashers. Long life for both of you.
Beautiful machinery
Congratulations 👏🙏💪⚓
Let's get it!!
Lookin good Gentlemen !!
Nice work, Virg!
I hope they work better than the ones in Norfolk
Hey Virgilio Luna Maldonado that's not a Toyota .8
Mate Salinovic ovo je dizalica
1588 💪💪💪
I thought we were supposed to be getting rid of the ZPMC Chinese cranes
Carlstadt, NJ
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2 CommentsComment on Facebook
Congratulations to all ! I.L.A. ALL THE WAY
Excellent Agreement!!! Congrats ILA 💯✊🏽
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6 CommentsComment on Facebook
Three Great men.. ILA Strong 💪 🇺🇸💪
Congratulations! I.L.A. ALL THE WAY
Congratulations ILA 🇵🇷
So proud of Harold Daggett, Dennis A. Daggett, James A. McNamara and the rest of ILA Family! Congrats!⚓️ I Love America!🇺🇸🇵🇷
Hell of a Trio right there!!
Congratulations! ILA 💪🏾
The International Longshoremen’s Association and the United States Maritime Alliance signed a historic six year agreement on March 11, 2025 that ensures labor peace until September 30, 2030.
In photograph, from left to right, is:
Tim Lindsay, APM Terminals, Port Elizabeth, NJ
Kenny Oelkers, ILA Education Director
Sean Brown, APM Terminals, Port Elizabeth, NJ
Louie Brown, APM Terminals, Port Elizabeth, NJ
Brian Porter, Maher Terminals, Port Elizabeth, NJ
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12 CommentsComment on Facebook
Congratulations 🎉🎊 on the historic six year agreement!
Great team….🤘🍷🍷
Congratulations !
Great group of guys right there
Solid crew right there!
Congratulations everyone
Well done 💪💪Congratulations to the executive and its team and all the members for standing up ILA HERE TO STAY 🤙🤙
Congratulations ILA!!! 💯
Great group right here 👍🏻
Go Union
ILA International Executive Vice President Dennis A. Daggett is joined on stage at the dais by ILA International President Harold J. Daggett as they sign the Master Contract Agreement between the International Longshoremen’s Association and the United States Maritime Alliance.
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65 CommentsComment on Facebook
❤️❤️❤️ Congratulations to everyone and thank you to the amazing leaders
Congratulations this historic . ILA 💪💪💯💯
The Best of the Best.. ILA Strong 💪🇺🇸💪
congratulations! 💪💪
What a monumental moment! Thank you!
Thank you for all you did for us longshoremen and women
Great job! Congratulations!!
History made. Beyond proud and honored to be a part of this amazing union. ILA all the way 🇺🇸
Great day congratulations
👏 👏 Thank you for getting this done!
Harold’s the man another great deal
That’s a beautiful picture!
Congratulations on this great achievement.
What a great picture
Congratulations Brothers and Sisters!
Congratulations! You did an incredible job!
History in the making!
Greatest contract in ILA history, incredible job to the negotiating team! This is a huge milestone and a testament to everyone’s diligent work!
International Longshoremen’s Association and United States Maritime Alliance Officially Sign Historic Six-Year Master Contract Agreement at Ceremonies in New Jersey; ILA Longshore Workers On Atlantic and Gulf Coasts Receive Record Increase In Wages and Benefits In Contract That Now Is In Effect Until September 30, 2030
NORTH BERGEN, NJ (March 11, 2025) - Leaders from the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) and United States Maritime Alliance, Ltd., (USMX) today officially signed an extension to their Master Contract that will be effective October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2030. The two sides hailed the new agreement as a “win-win” for both the ILA and USMX as it “protects current ILA jobs and establishes a framework for implementing technologies that will create more jobs while modernizing East and Gulf Coast ports.”
For ILA International President Harold Daggett, this new agreement represents the third successful six-year agreement he has orchestrated as the union’s Chief Negotiator. and it is by far the best package ever for the tens of thousands of ILA members covered under the new master contract package.”
“I am proud to have produced this new agreement with the help of my ILA Wage Scale Committee for my ILA members,” said ILA President Daggett. “We achieved a record-setting 62 percent increase in wages; full protection against automation; accelerated wages raises for new workers; full container royalty funds returned to the ILA; the best medical plan in our MILA national health care program that fully protects our ILA members and their families, and raises in contributions to money purchase plans.
“I am grateful to USMX for negotiating a new agreement that recognizes the contributions ILA members have made to build this industry, and help it grow and prosper,” added ILA President Daggett. “I am proud of my ILA members who withstood a three-day strike in October 2024 and remained strong and united to help bring about this landmark agreement.”
“This agreement received unanimous support from our USMX membership and furthers our mission to create modern and safe working conditions across the industry while continuing to focus on enhancing strong and efficient supply chains to ensure American companies can access the global marketplace,” said Paul De Maria, USMX Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer and lead negotiator.
The ILA and USMX expressed optimism for their collective futures with labor peace now guaranteed for the next six years.
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5 CommentsComment on Facebook
Great job with new contract!
Praise Be To God…
The ILA Local 1291 Rank-and-File Members in the Port of Philadelphia, would like to thank our great leaders of the International Longshoremen's Association for a job well done. CONGRATULATIONS 👏🏽 God Bless you all.
Thank you to all who got our union the greatest contract . Peace of mind for so many. Bless you all.
Barcelona, Spain
Brothers and Sisters,
Tomorrow, we’ll celebrate a historic moment for dockworkers around the world. The signing of the Master Contract by the mighty International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) is not just a victory for our brothers and sisters in North America—it is a victory for all of us who stand together in the fight for fair labor conditions, dignity, and respect in our industry.
This contract represents a bold stand against the unchecked rise of automation, a commitment to higher wages, and a reinforcement of stronger working conditions for the thousands of longshore workers who keep global trade moving. It proves what we have always known: when dockworkers unite, we win.
This achievement would not have been possible without the leadership, vision, and unwavering dedication of Dennis Daggett and Harold Daggett. Their strategic unionism, their ability to negotiate from a position of strength, and their relentless defense of workers’ rights have delivered one of the most significant labor victories of our time. To Dennis, to Harold, and to every single ILA member who stood firm—we thank you.
And let us not forget the October strike, a defining moment that sent a clear message to employers across the world: dockworkers will never bow to injustice. That mobilization was a statement of power, a demonstration that we are ready to fight when our rights are threatened. It was not just a U.S. battle—it was a global inspiration.
The IDC stands in full solidarity with the ILA and with every dockworker who refuses to be replaced, underpaid, or disrespected. This contract is proof that organized labor is stronger than corporate greed, that our unity is our greatest weapon, and that our fight is far from over.
Let this victory fuel our struggles ahead. Let it remind us that we control the docks, we control the cargo, and we will always fight for what is right.
Long live the ILA! Long live dockworkers’ solidarity! The fight continues!
In Solidarity,
Jordi Aragunde
IDC Labor Coordinator
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Well said Jordi. You know I am so proud of you and how you have been preaching and trying to protect everybody from country to country. People don’t realize the struggle that you have endured over the last 10 years, yet you have the determination to keep fighting all the time. You are an inspiration to the labor movement and I’m proud to call you my friend. You have done so much work and you will go down in history as a great Labor leader throughout the world my friend. So proud of you.
“We will never walk alone again!! If we’re together, it’s impossible to fail!!”
ILA 1422A members working in the “kitchen” checking containers at the Port of Charleston.
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14 CommentsComment on Facebook
Are these container inspectors, officials, admins etc.?
I haven't worked the kitchen in 8 years, but I can still smell the microwaved fish for lunch 🤣
We call it the KITCHEN at APM elizabeth nj. Tir inspections!!
That’s ILA 1422-A Charleston Mechanics. ILA Strong !!💪🏾💪🏾
That's what we called it also in Philly
Couple of great guys in this picture
You call it the Kitchen too? I thought only we did on the west coast? What do you call the e-gear? Ours is from a company called Bromma with big black letters on orange so we sometimes call it the Bromma Beam. Its also called the speed loader or the overheight gear.
Them cameras look allot clearer than the ones in Va. Most of the pics half the screen is black.
Working in that kitchen well thats what call it in Charleston
I would love to work in the kitchen
This will be me here very shortly PSA in Halifax is getting rid of humans for cameras
Never heard of the kitchen before is that basically working in the office?
You can’t inspect via a screen. You gotta get inside the container with a flashlight 🔦 to see every nook and cranny
Look Like C. Mitchell 💪🏿
MARCH 11, 2025
This coming Tuesday, March 11, 2025, the International Longshoremen’s Association and the United States Maritime Alliance will come together to sign the Master Contract Agreement that was recently ratified by ILA rank and file members at all ports from Maine to Texas.
The ILA membership ratified this contract by an astonishing and record breaking 99% approval rate.
The contract includes an incredible 62% raise in salaries and job protections against automation and semi-automation for all ILA members up and down the East and Gulf Coasts.
Signing the contract for the ILA will be International President Harold J. Daggett and International Executive Vice President Dennis A. Daggett.
Signing the contract for the USMX will be Chairman/CEO David F. Adam and Executive Vice President and COO F. Paul De Maria.
This is the third master contract agreement that has been negotiated and ratified under ILA Chief Negotiator Harold J. Daggett since he became our International President in 2011.
This new contract agreement will ensure labor peace between the ILA and the USMX for the next six years until September 30, 2030.
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52 CommentsComment on Facebook
Let’s Go🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
I would love to know the honest answer of after this signing when does everything go in to affect?
Congratulations God's Blessings To You And Your Family And ILA Members Brothers And Sisters
I could not be prouder as a fourth generation member of the International Longshoremen’s Organization to be part of the Greatest Union led by Mr. Harold Daggett. Thank you to the entire leadership for outstanding representation for all the members. This truly will be an historic achievement for organized labor. Only achievable by the awesome leaders we have.
Congratulations and thank you Harold for all the hard work you and your associates , our Leadership have done. We the members of the I.L.A are truly bless to be represented with such strong and courageous men . I.L.A. ALL THE WAY
Harold the goat great work local 799 Boston
Very good
Simply THE BEST!!!!
Thank you all for your diligence
ILA all the way congrats 🇺🇸work union live better 🙏💪
Thank you and everyone involved for making it happen! God bless the ILA.
Thank you for your hard work getting it done!
ILA Strong Congratulations
Thank you
No raise again for retires
ILA local 2077 Freeport congrats, together we stand together we WIN!
I am very happy for you guys ,you got what you deserve now it's time to put the laziness ( some of ya ,not all ) aside let's not make us waiting for 4 hours inside ( Apm ,and Pnct ) no more .I know ya don't give a F about truckers ,now you got your money gives us our load we need to get paid as well .
God is good
Yesss let's go!!!
Yassss blessings to all keep the widowed in mind?
Incredible job!
Thank you Lord 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿
Thank you Harold Daggett and Dennis A daggett the greatness the champion of blue collar
Thank you Harold