
ILWU Los Angeles Protest Against Expansion of Automated Terminals Reinforces Strength of ILA Master Contract That Protects Members Against Automation For Six Years

NORTH BERGEN, NJ – (January 25, 2019) Any doubts about ILA President Harold J. Daggett’s strong opposition to fully-automated terminals and the value of the ILA’s new Six-Year Master Contract extension signed last summer, were erased when news of a major protest on Thursday by longshore workers belonging to Local 13, International Longshore and Warehouse […]

ILWU Los Angeles Protest Against Expansion of Automated Terminals Reinforces Strength of ILA Master Contract That Protects Members Against Automation For Six Years Read More »

Thomas W. Gleason, Jr., ILA’s General Counsel For Decades, Passes Away At 94

Thomas W. Gleason, Jr., oldest son of legendary ILA President Teddy Gleason, and an acclaimed labor attorney in his own right who argued cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and as General Counsel for the International Longshoremen’s Association, served under three Presidents, passed away on Wednesday, November 28that 94. Gleason was a larger than life

Thomas W. Gleason, Jr., ILA’s General Counsel For Decades, Passes Away At 94 Read More »

Message from Harold J. Daggett, President, International Longshoremen’s Association, AFL-CIO on 2018 Elections

NORTH BERGEN, NJ – (November 7, 2018)  Americans voted in record numbers in yesterday’s 2018 mid-term elections where ILA members and working families everywhere helped return the U.S. House of Representatives to a Democratic Majority.  The ILA celebrates the reelection of our endorsed candidates Senator Robert Menendez in New Jersey and Governor Andrew Cuomo in

Message from Harold J. Daggett, President, International Longshoremen’s Association, AFL-CIO on 2018 Elections Read More »

Georgia Democratic Candidate Stacey Abrams Will Visit ILA Local 1414 Headquarters in Savannah on Monday Morning, November 5th

Stacy Abrams, Democratic Gubernatorial candidate in Georgia, will spend her final day of her historic campaign to become the first African-American woman elected in this State, at the headquarters of Local 1414 of the International Longshoremen’s Association, according to Willie J. Seymore, International Vice President from the Port of Savannah.” “The next Governor of Georgia

Georgia Democratic Candidate Stacey Abrams Will Visit ILA Local 1414 Headquarters in Savannah on Monday Morning, November 5th Read More »