
ILA and USMX Issue Protocol To Stop the Spread of Coronavirus In Master Contract Ports; Rules Are “Mandatory” For the Safety and Protection of the Workforce

NORTH BERGEN, N.J. (April 9, 2020) United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) and the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) have agreed upon a protocol that must be followed by all Master Contract Employers and all ILA Locals that represent their employees, according to guidelines being distributed today, April 9th by Harold J. Daggett, International ILA President and […]

ILA and USMX Issue Protocol To Stop the Spread of Coronavirus In Master Contract Ports; Rules Are “Mandatory” For the Safety and Protection of the Workforce Read More »

Two Retired Members From ILA Local 920, Staten Island, New York Succumb To Coronavirus; Brothers Moses McCain and Neil DeLuzio Each Had Over 40 Years With ILA

NORTH BERGEN, NJ – (Tuesday, April 7, 2020) The ILA mourns the passing of two long-serving members of ILA Local 920, Staten Island, New York, who passed away in recent days from complications with COVID-19. Brother Moses McCain and Neil DeLuzio each worked as Longshoremen for over four decades and were proud members of ILA

Two Retired Members From ILA Local 920, Staten Island, New York Succumb To Coronavirus; Brothers Moses McCain and Neil DeLuzio Each Had Over 40 Years With ILA Read More »

Heroic members of ILA Local 1416 at Port of Miami help disembark passengers and unload luggage from Coral Princess

Heroic members of ILA Local 1416 at Port of Miami help disembark passengers and unload luggage from Coral Princess. Two passengers died on the Coronavirus stricken cruise ship. Under the direction of ILA Vice Presidents Kenny Riley and Luis Gonzales, the ILA supplied ILA members from Locals 1416 and 1922 to help Coronavirus stricken passengers

Heroic members of ILA Local 1416 at Port of Miami help disembark passengers and unload luggage from Coral Princess Read More »

ILA Suffers Two More Deaths To COVID-19 As Otis Saleem Johnson From ILA Local 1233 and Orlando Mercado From ILA Local 1235 Pass Away From Coronavirus

NORTH BERGEN, NJ (April 4, 2020). The International Longshoremen’s Association continues to suffer loss of life due to COVID-19. ILA members Otis Saleem Johnson, from Local 1233 in Newark, and Orlando Mercado, from Local 1235, passed away in recent days from Coronavirus. Scores of ILA members have relatives that have contracted COVID-19 and several have

ILA Suffers Two More Deaths To COVID-19 As Otis Saleem Johnson From ILA Local 1233 and Orlando Mercado From ILA Local 1235 Pass Away From Coronavirus Read More »

ILA Suffers Deaths of Two ILA Members From Port Of New Orleans Who Succumb To COVID-19; Entire ILA Devastated At Loss of Fellow Members From ILA Local 3000, New Orleans

NORTH BERGEN, NJ. (April 1, 2020). The horrible COVID-19 Pandemic has claimed the lives of two ILA members from the Port of New Orleans, Louisiana. Brothers Wendell Lacour and Robert Givens. passed away yesterday from the Coronavirus. Both Brother Lacour and Givens were members of ILA Local 3000, in the Port of New Orleans and

ILA Suffers Deaths of Two ILA Members From Port Of New Orleans Who Succumb To COVID-19; Entire ILA Devastated At Loss of Fellow Members From ILA Local 3000, New Orleans Read More »