Port of Baltimore “A BIG DAY FOR THE PORT OF BALTIMORE AND A VERY BIG DAY FOR THE ILA” ILA International President and ILA Local 333 President Scott Cowan speaks at a press conference as he announces the full opening of the Port of Baltimore’s Ft. McHenry channel to 700 feet wide and to a depth of 50 feet following the bridge collapse, which took place on March 26, 2024. Cowan went on to thank ILA International President Harold Daggett and ILA International Executive Vice President Dennis A. Daggett for providing relief for the Longshoremen within a week of the bridge collapse. At the conclusion of his speech, President Cowan thanked ACD Vice President Michael Coe and gave high praise to the leadership of Locals 333, 953 and 1429 stating they did a tremendous job for the membership. “To all the ILA members at the Port of Baltimore: the port is back open for business, let’s go, let’s get the cargo in here and let’s put this thing in the past and let’s move forward.” Please take a moment to read through the story and view the link of ILA International Vice President Scott Cowan at the press conference at Dundalk Marine Terminal: https://dredgingcontractors. org/port-of-baltimore- reopening-ceremony-dca- dredging-and-salvage- companies-praised/ **ILA PERSEVERANCE** **ILA UNSTOPPABLE**