Congratulations to Benny Holland, Jr., ILA’s Executive Vice President Emeritus, who was recently inducted into the Texas Labor Management Hall of Fame. Benny’s contributions to the ILA are legendary and he continues to lead the ILA’s MILA program. This award from the Texas Labor-Management Conference was especially significant for Benny Holland, whose longshore and labor career was born in Houston and Galveston. In the photo above, Benny Holland is joined by fellow honorees John D. Harris (center), retired Federal Mediator, FMCS and Terry Cowan (right), counselor for Employee Assistance Program. In the photo to the left, Benny is surrounded by his ILA colleagues Billy Williams, (left) Secretary-Treasurer, South Atlantic and Gulf Coast District, ILA and Clyde Fitzgerald, International Vice President, ILA. Congratulations to our Benny Holland.