The International Longshoremen’s Association and Atlantic Coast District participated in recent Halifax Port Days in Nova Scotia. ILA International Vice President Patrick Murphy and members of ILA Local 269, Halifax welcomed ILA and ACD officers to this ILA port city in the Canadian Maritime Provinces. Pictured from left to right (standing) are Craig Mersservey, Vice President, ILA Local 269; Jim Stolpinski, Secretary-Treasurer, Atlantic Coast District and President, ILA Local 920; David Cicalese, Vice President, ACD and President, ILA Local 1; Kevin Piper, President, ILA Local 269; Patrick Murphy, International Vice President, ILA, Port of Halifax; Roland Hill, Executive Board Member, ILA Local 269; John D. Baker, International General Organizer, ILA; Michael J. Vigneron, President, ACD and Secretary-Treasurer, ILA Local 1804-1; Bernard Dudley, General Vice President, ACD and President ILA Local 1233; Randy Butler, Executive Board Member, ILA Local 269; Brad McCrate, Executive Board Member, ILA Local 269; and Kai Hauswirth, Member, ILA Local 269; (Seated) Steve Knott, International Secretary-Terasurer and Kelly MacKellar, Recording Secretary, ILA Local 269.